Grades Gone Bad

So, I received my grades for my first semester of Law School.  Needless to say, I didn’t do as well as I would have liked.  I was very disappointed in myself.  I talked with my friends and family, and realized something very important.  I did my best.  Not, the “hang your head in shame at defeat” best, but the “you have a full life and made important balance choices” best.  I realized that although I spent a lot of time reading, studying, and outlining, I also spent time helping my children with homework, going to classroom productions, and cheering for them at games.

My daughter struggles with articulation and language delays, and since she was my driving force behind my decision to attend law school, I would be remiss if I did not take the time to work with her, while I learn how to use the law to help all children in her predicament.  Yes, I initially felt inadequate, and less intelligent.  How did I not get A’s in every class I spent a lot of time studying?  I could ponder that forever, but the grades would not change.  I decided to not worry about what I did not achieve, and realize I did something amazing.  I followed my dream AND was a mother who was present in her children’s lives.  I was there to pick them up after their activities.  I was at (as many) my son’s basketball games.  I sat with my daughter each evening and worked with her on speech.  I was in the waiting room when my daughter had surgery to improve her hearing.  I watched my son open up about the life of a 4th grader.  I attended every doctor appointment, and wiped tears of frustration at the dinner table.

The grades I did receive would not have been possible without my husband’s patience, home cooked meals, errands, and housework.  Also, I had a sister who helped me with the children, so I could attend every class (with the exception of 1) the entire semester.  I am truly blessed to be a mom who doesn’t have to worry about working right now, and can follow my dream.  Above all, I am a mom who is showing her children that although sometimes dreams are deferred, they can be achieved.

Pray for me as I begin my spring semester this week.  I plan to do better at not only law school, but being Mom.

8 thoughts on “Grades Gone Bad

  1. Best of luck to you in the spring semester. Don’t beat yourself up too bad or for too long. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow will take care of itself. Today, you start over and get to give your best shot. Be well.


  2. You are living life, a life that your classmates could never imagine. I walked into my first class today, six months pregnant, and I could see on their faces that they could never really imagine living my life. In raising your kids and loving your husband and going to class and studying, you are giving life 100%. Don’t ever forget that. Don’t ever be disappointed for having BALANCE. You are doing amazing work to fulfill an amazing purpose. Remember why you are there – not to get A’s, but to learn a trade and get a credential that will allow you to help your child and other children.


    1. Thanks. That is exactly what I did. I put it all in perspective with my purpose. I also realized, I still know the material, regardless of whether or not my professor(s) felt I explained it their way.


  3. Thank you so much for this post. I am an aspiring law student who will have to face all of the challenges you discussed in your post sans the husband but I appreciate your willingness to share your experiences. Balancing home life and the demands of law school has been a serious consideration for me as I embark on this journey. I am encouraged and you should be too! Hang in there. I am rooting for you.


    1. Thank you. I am rooting for you as well. As you see even with the main cocoamama gradmommy, balancing law school with children and life is doable. I realize even my counterparts who don’t have children, are dealing with someother issue that not everyone is party to. Life is about balance, and it’s a very exciting journey so far. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


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